The Decware ZKIT2 Zen Triode Stereo amplifier kit.
The new Pcb's have just arrived.
And here are the components.
Here we go..

Next step is to order the tubes and the transformers.. Edcor and
The transformers arrive.

The finished thing, sounding fantastic, really
making the Scott amplifiers sing.
My next step is to create a case for the amp and then researching how to add a tube pre-amp.
Been thinking about a case for the amp, but most people say that they just like the look of it as it is, all wires and stuff.
Music: Blanck Mass - World Eater.
And here.
Music: Frank Zappa - Wakajawaka.
Creating a new case for the Decware amp.
Using an aluminium top plate.
Damn, need to flatten out those clamp dents.
Continuing the drilling out, all done.
The new case arrives.
All done and mighty pleased with the result. Sounding great.
Nick Cave. Album: Push Away The Sky.